Within the AC SAF several GOME-2 and IASI products (both from Metop-A and Metop-B) are available in Near-Real-Time and Offline.
Details about the products can be found in the Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document [ATBD, 2016] and the Product User Manual [PUM, 2016] available via theAC SAF web site (http://acsaf.org).
A summary table of the product versions changes can be found here.
This website groups the results of the validation and the quality assessment of the following trace gases:
- NO2 (total and tropospheric) from GOME-2
- BrO from GOME-2
- HCHO from GOME-2
- SO2 from GOME-2 and IASI
- OClO from GOME-2
- CHOCHO from GOME-2
- CO from IASI
- HNO3 from IASI
The last validation figures can be found in the Validation Results tab.
Once they will reach the operational status, HNO3 validation results from IASI will also be added here.
Figures from the GOME-2 OClO, CHOCHO and tropopsheric BrO data-records are gathered in their validation reports but are not regularly updated in the Validation results tab.